Saturday, 28 February 2015

Filming News Report - Script

Alicia: On the 2nd Anniversary of the reformation of our country, we remember those who were lost in the breakdown of our government. There was chaos (cut away), riots (cut away) and violence (cut away), but now we have found our faith. For this, we are thankful. 
(slowly start walking towards Eisen)

Alicia: In other news, there has recently been a series of murders committed and there is not yet any suspect in custody. Currently 4 bodies have been found and there have been reports of 3 further people missing- it is unknown if these events are connected. Here to share his views on these reports is Father Anthony.
(group shot)
Alicia: Father, how important would you say it is for us to keep our faith in these troubled times?
Eisen: In times of darkness, we look to the church to bring people together in the light of God. These vicious crimes are the acts of sinners, but we must remember that it is not our place to condemn them, for when the times comes the Lord Almighty will pass his judgement. 
Alicia: What do you think the public response will be to this sinner once they are found? 
Eisen: I am not a divine being with the ability to prophesise about such things, however I do know this. Our lord said that those without sin may cast the first stone, so I ask…(look into camera)  Have you been to confession this week? 
Alicia: (into cameraFather Anthony leaves us with some powerful words to consider, but that is all we have time for. I’m [name], good night and God bless.