Thursday, 16 October 2014

Magazine Analysis - "Sight and Sound"

The name of this magazine is "Sight and Sound". A reason why this name was chosen because in films, the sights and sounds are what make them iconic or memorable.
The sell lines are very limited and basic and in this magazine, they seem to focus more on classic horror films (as this is the genre of this magazine) .
The design of this magazine is suitable of that for a film from this genre as it features a chainsaw and blood but i feel it lacks some themes like darkness. Also the fonts stand out well but don't really convey they styles of genre as it all seems plain.
The genre it covers is clearly horror, it says it there and the inclusion of the chainsaw combined with blood emphasizes this. and it is owned by the British film institute. and opinions
The target market in terms of demographic appears to be adults due to it's mention of classic films as many wouldn't have been alive or it wouldn't have been possible due to their age. Also personality wise, it would suit people who aren't scared easily and enjoy the entertainment value of horror films rather than those who can be scarred of be offended easily by things
A major competitor of this magazine is "Scream" which is also UK based so it provides credible competition as they are both based in the same country..Another competitor is "Diabolique Magazine" and it isn't clear where it is from but as it is also a horror film magazine, it offers competition to "sight and sound".
The types of representation it conveys on the front page are gore and blood due to the feature of a chainsaw and  various spots of blood. in the front cover.
The content features show to the audience that horror can come from anywhere and its unexpected which is seen in various horror films.By trying to link it to real life adds to the realism of horror films and trailers.
The features in this film include articles about films and new releases to watch out for in this genre along with reviews and opinions. Some directors featured in this magazine are Mike Figgis and Simon Pummel who are all horror film directors varying in success.
This magazine follows a typical  house style but doesn't stand out as much as others. For example the "Scream"  magazine would appeal more to the demographic due to the colour scheme and sell lines. I feel that the sell lines and colour schemes are what let down this magazine as they are to basic and the white background doesn't fully explore the connotations involved with the horror genre

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