Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Final Film Trailer

After we got the feedback, we discussed as to what further changes we can have in order to improve the trailer before submitting it was our final version. 

One of the changes we applied in order to improve the final draft is to reduce the amount of white noise heard. At the beginning, the first dialogue heard had quite a lot of white noise so we used Adobe Audition in order to reduce the amount of white noise to a minimum. This was also applied to the Priest's dialogue in the trailer.

In addition, we realised that the date for the film trailer was missing so we added that at the end with the title and social media inter-titles.

We decided to show that the film is a modern film being released by universal pictures, we changed the logo design from the old one to the new one (since it's what most of the latest films are currently using).

 Old Universal Logo

New Universal Logo

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